Studio four one four has won its first competition!

Hosted by The Socio Design Foundation, this competition’s challenge was to distill an idea down to a single vignette. The guidelines? Literally one line; “Space for the Rehabilitating”.

The monthly competition held by the SCF, to “recognized the spatial impact on the psyche of society,” is only our second entry into competitions since inception of the group, and has already yielded us a win.

We assembled a team to solve their design problem. The solution presented was to question the connotations of the word “Rehabilitation”, and present in a light that everyone could be part of. As in our depiction, we took the city and it’s sensory overloading nature and developed a journey for an individual to take a reprieve, or moment of repose among the chaos.

The figurative tunnel “journey” for each person would be to gradually take each stimuli away to make the participant aware of their senses that are being bombarded, and then reintroducing them in a healing way. Rehabilitating the individual on the personal level. When fully recharged, they can make the journey back to their daily lives but are aware of themselves and their surroundings; they are rehabilitated.

Team members included: Alex Harm, Joe Buccini, Nick Mather, Ryan Bratz

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